获得一笔新的建筑贷款来建造你梦想中的房子是令人兴奋的! 当你在网上搜索完美的平面图时,你可能已经有了你想要的想法. 你已经看了足够多的HGTV,你觉得自己是一个设计专业人士. 你甚至得到了那块地作为宫殿的所在地.

So now what?

You’ll be in need of a construction loan. 我们从建造新房的人们那里得到的最常见的问题之一是,他们是否可以用他们的土地作为建筑贷款的首付.

Can land be used as a down payment?

And the answer is: Absolutely! 我们与Arbor金融抵押贷款发起人Laurie Brooks进行了交谈,以获得有关其工作原理的更多细节, and she gave us an example. Arbor Construction Area

“Let's say you have a $50,000块地,你要花300美元建一个,000年的房子. 房屋加上土地的总价值是35万美元。. “So, in this scenario the $50,你拥有的000块土地是350美元的首付款,000 final value of the home. That’s a little more than 14% down!”

简单地说, if you already own land, 你在那块土地上的权益可以用作你建筑贷款的首付款.

Construction loan experts

至于贷款本身,Arbor Financial拥有密歇根州最好的建筑贷款之一. 原因如下:

  1. One-Time Closing Cost -有了一次性竣工建筑贷款,你将有一次竣工, one process, 还有一笔贷款,这意味着你将支付更少的成交费用, saving you money.
  2. No out-of-pocket closing costs* -通过在建设贷款中包括成交成本, you can reduce your overall out-of-pocket expense.
  3. No payments during construction* - Arbor Financial将为您的贷款提供只付利息的资金. Now THAT is comforting, 知道在你真正搬进新家之前,你不需要开始支付房款!
  4. Down payments as low as 0%* - That’s right, 你可以建造一个新房子,不需要首付(这个选择是基于地块权益和评估价值)。.
  5. 避免采购经理人指数 -我们有融资选择,将使您更快乐,避免任何私人抵押贷款保险支付. Give us a call today to discuss your options!

If you are planning to build your new home, 让我们向您展示为什么Arbor一次性关闭建设贷款是最好的建设贷款. You’re building your dream home, and we can help, with features like low interest rates, down payments as low as zero, no closing costs out of pocket, and no payments during construction. You’ll be glad you used Arbor Financial 为你梦想中的家提供资金,我们很乐意帮助你实现梦想.

* Terms and conditions apply. 0%首付款,无成交成本选项,以评估价值为基础. 在施工期间不支付任何评估价值等于或大于总购置成本(包括施工期间的持有成本)的款项.

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